Dr Mohammad Raziul Islam Nadvi, an active member of Jamat-e-Islami, Hind is a renowned Islamic Scholar, Writer, Translator and Social Activist. He was born on 27th May, 1964 in the village Rajapur, Bulbulnawaz of the district Bahraich, UP. His father was Mohammad Shafi Khan.
Early Years
Dr Mohammad Raziul Islam Nadvi got primary education in his native district Bahraich and secondary education in Markazi Darsgah Rampur. He graduated and post-graduated from Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulema Lucknow UP in 1981 and 1983 respectively. Valuing professional education, he acquired BUMS degree in 1989 and MD in 1993 from Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College of Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh.
Writing Career
Dr Mohammad Raziul Islam Nadvi is prolific writer, participant national and international seminars and contributor to prestigious periodicals, journals and newspapers on diverse topics pertaining Islam and Muslims in particular and humanity in general. He has authored a number books so far, which include translated and edited books as well.
Dr Mohammad Raziul Islam Nadvi has been associated with a research institution Idara Taqiqq wa Tasnif -e- Islami from 1994 to 2011. Currently, he is the secretary of the writing section of Jamat-e-Islamic Hind and the editor of the famous and prestigious three monthly journal of India, Tahqiqat-e-Islami.
قرآن،اہل کتاب اور مسلمان | Quran, Ahle Kitab and Muslims |
یرت نبوی کے دریچوں سے | From the life of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) |
اکیسویں صدی کے سماجی مسائل اور اسلام | Social issues of the 21st Century and Islam |
قرآن کریم اور آسمانی صحیفے | The Holy Book Quran and the Revealed Scriptures |
حقائق اسلام۔ بعض اعتراضات کا جائزہ | Truth of Islam – Analysis of some criticisms on it |
بر صغیر میں مطالعۂ قرآن | Study of the Quran in the subcontinent |
کفر اور کافر قرآن کی روشنی میں | Kufr and Kafir in the light of the Quran |
قرآن کریم کا تصور انسانیت | Theory of Humanism in the Holy Quran |
قرآنی آیات کی سائنسی تشریح۔ خطرات اور ان کا تدارک | Scientific Explanation of the Quranic Verses: Risks and their solutions |
تخلیق انسانی کے مراحل اور قرآن کا سائنسی اعجاز | Phases of human creation and the scientific miracle of the Quran |
موجودہ دور میں رجوع الیٰ القرآن کی دعوت۔ انحرافات اور تدارک | The call to the return to the Quran in the contemporary time: Deviations and their Solutions |
حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام | Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) |
اقامت دین اور نفاذ شریعت | Implementation of Deen and Application of Shariah |
اسلام میں حقوق انسانی کا تصور | Concept of Human Rights in Islam |
گھریلو تشدد اور اسلام | Domestic Violence and Islam |
رحم مادر میں بچیوں کا قتل۔ اسباب اور انسدادی تدابیر | Infanticide of girl babies: Reasons and Preventive Measures |
مسلمان عورت کا دائرۂ کار | Work Sphere of Muslim Women |
اسلامی پردہ۔ کیا اور کیوں؟ | Islamic Parda: What and Why |
زندگی کے عام فقہی مسائل۔ اول، دوم، سوم | General Jurisprudential Rulings of Life – First, Second and Third |
حقیقت رجم۔ ایک تنقیدی جائزہ | Reality of Stoning: A Critical Analysis |
انبیائے کرام کی دعوت | The preaching of the Prophets |
He has written some books on the Unani medical system and the Islamic medicinal sciences.
Dr Mohammad Raziul Islam Nadvi has also extensively translated books from Arabic into Urdu. Some of them are:
شخصیۃ المسلم کما یصو غھا الاسلام فی ضوء الکتاب والسنۃ | Islamic Life in the light of the Quran and Sunnah |
مقدمۃ اللغات الطبیۃ | Fundamentals of the Medical Lexicography |
مقدمۃفی علم التفسیر | |
مقدمۃفی علم التفسیر | Ilm-e-Tafsir: Some Fundamental Issues |
مجتمع المدینۃ المنورۃ فی عہد الرسول | Society of Madina during the period of the Prophet (PBUH) |
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